About Me

I actually have Spain to thank for my love of coffee
I actually have Spain to thank for my love of coffee.

I used to be a someday person. I had lists of things I wanted to do and places that I wanted to see; however, I always attached a tag to them that simply said “someday”. It was easier to plan that way. I was never behind the eight-ball because someday was always there. That said, I eventually realized what most people know all along: if you don’t take the risk, someday is always out there and those daydreams are never fulfilled.

So in October of 2014, I took my first step toward “someday” when I ran my first marathon. Afterwards, I hit a high that was much more than just a runner’s high, even higher than a runner’s high combined with Guinness. (I was in Ireland, it was required.)  It was the high of crossing something off of my list, of finally achieving something that I always pushed off until someday due to the fear that I couldn’t actually do it. But I did it. Fast forward to one year later and I’ve crossed off another “someday”. After years spent dreaming of a return to the life abroad, I packed my bags in November of 2015 and moved to Madrid. I didn’t move for an escape from reality (yes, everybody I am having fun; however, I’m also working…really, really hard) but rather as a chance to grow as I did six (oh my gosh, six!) years ago in Sevilla. Someday is here. Let me tell you about it…