Bilbao and the Guggenheim

After San Sebastián, I had one more stop: Bilbao, the capital of the Basque Country. I had about two days and didn’t really have much on the agenda outside of the Guggenheim Museum. That said, I spent my time wandering, mostly throughout the Casco Viejo (old city center). I try to spend most of my time in any city in the old city center because the architecture seems to have more character. I like the charming old buildings of years past and the narrow windy streets. I’ve admitted that I don’t quite get modern art, well I don’t really get modern architecture either.

I felt like I didn’t have a whole lot of history in the my previous post and I’m going to have even less in this one, but, oh well, the pictures are pretty.

When I first got there it was supposed to rain both days; however, the first day ended up being not so bad so that was the day that I went exploring. I was staying in the city center so I started there and gradually made my way out across the Nervión river (also known as the Estuary of Bilbao) and into the old town.  This first group of pictures is from the city center (which I suppose would be considered the new town, but of course that’s all relative).

Parts of the area along the river had an oddly Scandinavian feel. It reminded me of Copenhagen…but perhaps it was just the colors. The church in the pictures is Church of San Anton, which was first built in the 15th century. Over the years additions have been made to increase the size. The Belfry Tower, the current bell tower, was constructed in the 18th century and replaced a previous one that had been damaged.

Right next to the church is the Mercado de la Ribera, a two floor market. The first floor offers tapas and drinks to be had right then and there. The top floor has cuts of meat and fish and cheeses and bottles of wine to take home and prepare. The views were great and the stained glass, impressive.

Within the old town, there was a hill with a view that overlooks the city and the mountains in the background. I do love those burnt orange rooftops.

On the way down, I was reminded why I don’t like cats. Seriously, look at those eyes. I swear they all followed me the whole way down.


Thankful for my life after passing those cats, I wandered around the town. Of course I got thirsty and hungry so I had to throw some coffee and palmeras in there.

Oh and there was also wine…

…that only took one glass

The next day I went to the Guggenheim and spent the rest of the day in the park before catching my train back to Madrid. Overall I was unimpressed with the Guggenheim. The building itself was incredible but as far as the works of art themselves? My favorite was probably the dog outside. But look at him. He’s so well trained! And trimmed!

I did like those lollipop looking things too. They kind of reminded of a more colorful bean like in Chicago. I’m making a funny face in the second to last picture but you can’t really tell. In all seriousness, the artwork in the museum is very modern and that’s not really my taste. I’m sure it’s all very impressive but it just doesn’t tickle my fancy.

From there it was on to the see the swans in the park. If only there was a swan boat to go with them.


Finally I was on my way to the train station. I said hello to John Adams, who apparently is a big deal here in Bilbao. His testimony of Bilbao and Bizkaia, and their ability to retain their heritage, is recorded in “A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States  of America, 1787”. And I passed a building which had an intricate design on the underside of all of the terraces. How cool is that?


My train ride home was five hours so of course I needed sustenance. I overheard a tour guide saying that this bakery was one of the best in the city so I had to give it a try. It was a long ride so I got a palmera and a pastel vasco. The pastel vasco (also called Gâteau Basque) originated in the Basque region of France and is a pastry with a vanilla cream (although sometimes cherry) filling.

image And so vacation came to an end…on that very, very sweet note.