Pre-Training and Purple

I went for a run last week in shorts and a tank top.

And I wasn’t cold.

I wasn’t even cold before I started running.

I’m sure I should be happy about that, especially considering if I were back in Boston lart weekend I would’ve been bundled up from head to toe.

But low 60s? That’s not what I asked for for Christmas.  I want sweaters and snow and hot chocolate which I’m told is in possible in the Bay Area. My coworker told me about when he was a kid in the 70s and they had snow. He sent me an article about it and, even though it was a paltry display of snow, I would gladly take it. So if we could make that happen in the next three days, that would be great!

You see once Christmas has passed, I really don’t care anymore. In fact, I’ll rather enjoy going out for runs in February in just a pair of a shorts and a tee shirt. I have a lot of runs ahead of me and knowing that the weather will be nice will give me the extra motivation I need to get out there.

Technically training hasn’t started yet, thank goodness because I wouldn’t be off to a very good start.  Lately my runs have been more sporadic and pretty short on distance; however, I am hoping that taking it easy now will leave me feeling refreshed when training starts in couple of weeks. That’s what I am telling myself at least.

So for now I am still in the pre-training phase. And I’ll tell you, it’s a pretty great place to be because:

1.) You know that you are about to do something amazing, and
2.) You don’t have to deal with any of the responsibility and work yet.

For instance, I received my Project Purple t-shirt the other day and, well, the tree was already on, sooo…

I only have so many days left until Christmas so I am using the tree as a back-drop as much as possible
Plus look how pretty it is!
And that’s what happens when I drop my phone while taking a picture. It’s like abstract Christmas.

As you may recall, I am running the Big Sur Marathon for Project Purple.  Their mission is to raise awareness and funds towards a cure for pancreatic cancer so I will be including a fact or stat or two in these posts as I go along.

First up, what is the pancreas anyway? The pancreas is the organ located behind the stomach that helps the body digest and controls blood sugar levels.

I’ll be back with more runs, pictures, and facts after the holidays, but in the meantime, click here to learn more and to make a donation.