TBT: Ten Thousand Santas Can’t Be Wrong

I’m a big deal. No seriously, I hold a world record. Okay, technically I share it with about 10,000 other people, one of which is Lauren (hey-oh, shout out to us!) But I am part of a world record and I will be for at least another ten months.

It all started with a dream…and a sign in the metro. La Carrera de Papa Noel. Running? Santa Claus? Well, that’s all I needed to hear. So here’s the deal, the whole purpose of the race is to have the most people running while dressed like Papa Noel (or an elf if you’re a kid). And, of course, to have fun while doing it. So you sign up by paying an incredibly small fee and they give you a Santa suit to wear on the day of the race, complete with hat and beard.

You also receive a swag bag full of magazines, food and the glorious, felt Santa suit. I think there might have been protein powder too. Whatever, I was too focused on the Santa gear.


Race day rolled around and Lauren and I joined the pack of Santas. And, gosh, did we look good doing it….

By the end of the race we were exhausted because it’s hard work to run three miles and look good.


But it was all worth it because we were rewarded with post-race goodies, including this little guy.


He’s just a tiny Coca-Cola reindeer; however, when the time comes, I kind of want to pack him in my suitcase and bring him home with me. He can be a reminder of back when I used to break world records for fun.

Blinding confidence, now brought to you by Coca-Cola.

One thought on “TBT: Ten Thousand Santas Can’t Be Wrong”

  1. My Kate, a world record breaker, and it only took a move to Madrid to do it ( to me that’s a record breaker in and of itself haha). An awesome job to you and your Co-Santa buddy, Lauren, ?? (btw, great pics) I am so loving these catching up blogs!!! On this one, Coca-Cola and I thank-you
    Hmmmm wonder where the next one will take us!
    Love ya lots,
    Mom ❤️?

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