Triple Header: Movie, Music and Football

They say when it rains, it pours. Well it poured this weekend for me. Friday night, check. Saturday night, check. Sunday night, check.

Friday night: movie!

I’ve never really been the going-to-the-movies type although I’m not sure why. I usually have to take a minute (an embarrassingly long minute) to think about the last time I went to the movies. For the longest time, Toy Story 3 was the last movie I had seen in the theaters. That came out in 2010. Now that I think about it I also went to see About Time (based solely on the fact that one of the characters had an Irish accent, true story). And that was in 2013. So I had been averaging one about every three years. I foresee that number getting drastically lower once I’m back stateside. Cough John cough. And dear readers, you’ll be relieved to know that I did see the new Star Wars movie in December. And yet, here it is only two months later that I found myself at another movie: The Big Short (La gran apuesta). Even though we are in Spain, we saw it in English because we figured that the vocabulary for the movie would be a little too specific to be part of our regular vocabulary. Looking back that was a great choice. I mean we probably could have understood it alright but something would have been different. And that something is swearing. Don’t get me wrong, Spaniards are master swearers; they drop them into conversations just like any ol’ preposition. That’s just how they connect thoughts. But there’s something about the way Americans swear, especially in this film, that just can’t be replicated. It’s all about intonation, facial expression and strategic silences. I can’t believe that last sentence was all about swearing, but anyway, English swearing was in full effect and it was glorious. Also the movie was pretty incredible so there’s that.

Saturday night: music!

I may not be a movie person but I dig live music. So when Lauren suggested going to see some jazz/blues, I was in! We went to La Coquette, a cute, little cave of a bar where we were able to snag front row seats. Like too-close-to-the-stage front row seats.

Somehow I felt like the leather jacket gives me a little more street cred for a blues bar
Somehow I felt like the leather jacket gives me a little more street cred for a blues bar

So close we could have been part of the band, The Downtown Alligators. We could have been alligators! The lead singer had that great raspy, bluesy voice and then in between songs he would rattle off some Spanish banter. It was actually very weird to hear him switch between the two.

Sunday night: Football!

You can take the girl out of America but you can’t take America out of the girl. I had to watch the Super Bowl…it was my patriotic duty. Plus it was date night. So I was ready: Skype on my iPad which John pointed towards the tv, FaceTime on my iPhone to chat with John (and judge commercials together…I was mostly unimpressed). The only problem: the game started at 12:30 in the morning so I definitely fell asleep somewhere in the fourth quarter. I woke up in time to see Denver win but I’m pretty sure I missed Helen Mirren scold drunk drivers. And the Clydesdales, were there Clydesdales this year?!

I was too busy dreaming..

One thought on “Triple Header: Movie, Music and Football”

  1. You are on a roll my dear, loving these blogs! It was quite a weekend you had…….a movie (that in itself is impressive) some music, jazz/blues , cool man, and close to stage, ( so, groupies, are you now ?!!!!!) And football via Skype, and chatting via iPhone how techno of you….. Anyway, this was great! Mrs. Nosy Rosy, is in heaven here!!!!
    Love ya lots,
    Mom ❤️?

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