Off and Running…

My inbox is full of emails with words like “bluehost” and “mojo” and “wordpress”. Apparently that’s because I’m officially a blogger now. I’m also the girl who started using Instagram last year. Late last year and only as a tool to motivate myself to run more: #runtoscotland. Nevermind that I lived an ocean away and that running was only going to get me so far. Along the way I gained followers (just enough to feel that I had an audience, but the kind of audience that you have on one of those small, intimate coffeeshop stages); however, Instagram was always just something for me to look back on as I trained for my marathon.

Enter this blog. I’m on to a new adventure and I know a lot of people will want to follow, if only to live vicariously for a few minutes. And who doesn’t want to live someone else’s life from time to time? So this blog is for you, my soon-to-be-loyal readers (read: mom). Let me whisk you away to a paradise of paella, sangria and sarcasm. But seriously, I’m here to tell the story that pictures alone just can’t provide. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but how do you know what those words are without context? So far, I’ve shared photos on Instagram and Facebook (mostly to show my mom that I am still alive); however, a short caption can only tell so much. So I promise there will be lots of lovely pictures in this blog too; however, there will also be stories, commentary, and fun facts to go with them.

I will close out this first post with my first admission of guilt: I’ve had this site set up since the middle of November. It’s now the middle of January and I finally wrote my first post. To those of you who know me well (and to myself), this is not at all surprising. The whole point of writing a blog is to make your life an open-book to your readers. I’m more of the excerpt-on-the-Barnes-and-Noble-website kind of person, the carefully selected small passage of the story that I choose to share. Or maybe I’m the summary section, full of shallow plotlines and general ideas. Either way, I’m generally firmly shut so this blog will be an adventure in and of itself.  

The first couple of entries will play catch-up for the past two months; however, once I reach present day, I aim to actually keep up with current events. There won’t be a new, exciting post every day. Let’s face it, I’m in a different country but this isn’t a year-long vacation. It’s still a life full of hard work, odd-jobs or quick fixes around the apartment, and worrying about what I want to be when I grow up. I may have traded the snow for sunshine but I haven’t traded reality for fantasy. My feet are still firmly planted in the ground, there’s just no snow around them.

Botanical Gardens in Copenhagen


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11 thoughts on “Off and Running…”

  1. Well, finally, my dear….I am so excited to see your blog and its first entry.
    I like it so far, and yes, I certainly DO live vicariously through you!
    I eagerly await your next posting, I really did enjoy this first one, keep them coming my girl!!!!
    Love ya lots ❤️,

  2. What a great start to your blog! I won’t harp in the fact that you’ve had the site since November!! . I look forward to being one of those that live vicariously through you. 🙂

  3. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. St. Augustine. Good Luck with blogging.???

  4. Yay, I am soooo excited to see your blog is “up and running” (cute, huh)!
    I really liked your first posting, and YES I most certainly am living vicariously through you!
    So, keep this blog going, if only so I know that you are still alive (HA, I got your so called humor there, but, seriously, that is true) for I love to hear stories, see pictures, read about fun facts but mostly cause I am now and forever will be Mrs, Nosy Rosy ??
    Love ya lots ❤️❤️

  5. And I will follow your blog with anticipation of the wonders you will discover but NOT with unrealistic expectations of how often you do it!

  6. Actually Miss Kate I am one you refer to as “living vicariously” through you . But let me share that I am envious of this wonderful journey you are on and I will be walking or should I say running with you in your shadow. I am so proud of you!

  7. Tough crowd-that family of yours. Wishing you fun, safety and great explorations. We will enjoy the updates. Be well. Love from MD

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