I’m back!

The other day my mom told me that “other people” have been asking about my blog. I know what that means. That means “I miss your blog but I am going to say that other people miss it too because then you might actually write it again.” I know how you operate. But here I am writing again, so, touché.

I know it’s been a while since I’ve written but, you see, nothing has really happened.

Well, that’s a lie.

Let’s see. I’ve moved…twice (I packed my bags and lugged them on a plane twice so I think that counts as twice), started a new job, learned a new language (Legalese 101: whereas is your best friend), adjusted to a new time zone (Sure I had a little stopover in between but in the course of three weeks I had a swing of 9 hours, going from Spain to California. That’s kind of amazing when you think about it. And honestly being three hours behind most people is kind of worse than being six hours ahead), and learned some valuable life lessons about myself (despite my lofty ambitions, flowers just don’t stand a chance in my presence).

I’m going to keep this post brief because that is the only way I will actually make it through. The first post back is always the hardest.

As I said before, there has been a pretty size able gap between my last post and this one which, of course, I did on purpose. Did you buy that? No? Okay, fair enough. But actually it works out fairly well because now I give you….

Running Free 2.0

In reality, nothing about the site itself is going to change, mainly because I don’t know how. The content will likely be different though. That makes sense, right? I mean life is different now. I can’t hang out with the king in the middle of the day or jet off to Ireland for the weekend anymore, so naturally this blog will be a little bit different now. I live in a new place so there will still be adventures just maybe not as frequent, not as grandiose, not as international.

A lot of the posts will be rooted in the so-called real world. The 9-5 world, or in my case the 9:30-6 world (I’m still not used to that). Because of that, the posts might be a little more open or personal (key word: might. We’ll see how it goes) which might be a good step forward because people, ahem mom, seemed to like them.

Downtown Oakland

I was going to use Heminway as my inspiration for those posts; the whole “write drunk, edit sober” mantra. Then I discovered that he apparently never said that which is a shame because that really would have made it so much easier to write those personal ones.

In the posts to come, I’ll touch on the aforementioned job and life lessons, but I’ll also spice it up with road trips and scenic vistas and seaside towns. And wine and cheese. Remember how tired you got of beer and pretzels?

Well I’ve fixed that in 2.0. Now it’ll be wine and cheese. What? Local is a big thing here in California so I am just keeping it local.


Redwoods on the Cal campus

2 thoughts on “I’m back!”

  1. Great blog as always! Good luck with this new venture and stay happy . Missing you more and more each day but will look forward to your blog to keep me close!

  2. Well, well, well……. I knew that mentioning ” other people” were looking for more of your blogs would get you writing again …….( it worked ? ) !!!!!
    So glad to see you back on again. Great blog and I am already looking forward to your next one! You must keep keep Mrs Nosy Rosy, here……happy ?
    Missing you always!
    Love ya lots & lots ?

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